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International Kid's Art Contest of Museum of Cyckadic Art

"The international kid's art contest of the Museum of Cycladic Art turns 10 this year and is celebrating! With the theme "The Human being at the Center" the Museum invites the little friends to capture the role of the human through his journey through cultures, the environment he creates and the messages he sends.

The main character was the Female Figurine (ca. 2700-2400/2300 BC) which is on display on the 1st floor of the Museum in the permanent “Cycladic Art” exhibition. Having as a reference the figurine, we invite children to create art inspired by the transformations of humans through the history of cultures, the works and the environment that they create.”

So, we ensured that directors, teachers and professors were informed, we printed the plans and visited the schools: Primary School of Arkesini, Primary School of Chora and High School of Chora. Afterwards, we discussed with the children and explained them the topic of the contest. We stayed with them while they were drawing and finally we sent their drawings to the Museum.

All children’s works are displayed on the digital platform here, as well as at the large exhibition at the Arts Center of the Municipality of Athens from September 23rd to 29th.

The experience we had with the children was amazing and the professors' and teachers' help was invaluable!


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